Dog Licence
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding application/renewal of dog licences
- AFCD Animal Management Centres (AMCs)
- AFCD Dog Inoculation Centres
- Any authorised private veterinary clinics
- SPCA centres
For office hours and addresses of the AFCD AMCs and inoculation centres, please refer to inoculation centre. For information regarding private veterinary clinics and SPCA centres, please contact the clinic of your choice or SPCA (Tel: 2802 0501) directly.
- Your dog
- Your HKID card
- Licence fee of $80.00 for each dog in cash
- Old dog licence (for licence renewal)
- If the dog has never had a dog licence, you can apply for a dog licence through regular procedures (please refer to Q2 & 4).
If the dog has a valid licence, you are required to arrange for change of keeper's information before the licence can be renewed. To apply for change of dog keeper's information, you need to provide one of the following documents:
- Original of the valid dog licence, with the “Change of keeper” form on its back (column 1 & 2) completed and signed, together with HKID copy of the new dog keeper and the completed Personal Information Collection Statement signed by new dog keeper; OR
- (If the original licence is lost) A letter signed by the previous keeper to apply for change of keeper's information, with the dog’s microchip number together with HKID copies of both previous and new dog keepers and the completed Personal Information Collection Statement signed by new dog keeper
*Notes: Change of keeper's information can be applied for in person or by mail for valid licences. If you choose to apply by mail, please send the required documents in part (b) to 5/F, Animal Management Division, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon.
If the dog licence has expired, you are advised to bring your dog together with the following documents to any of the Animal Management Centres. Your dog has to be revaccinated against rabies in addition to the change of keeper.
- Original of the latest dog licence, with the “Change of keeper” form on its back (column 1 & 2) completed and signed, together with HKID copy of the new dog keeper and the completed Personal Information Collection Statement signed by new dog keeper; OR
- (If the original licence is lost) A letter signed by the previous keeper to apply for change of keeper's information, with the dog’s microchip number together with HKID copies of both previous and new dog keepers and the completed Personal Information Collection Statement signed by new dog keeper
- This Department will contact with the previous keeper for confirmation of change of keeper if necessary.
- If your dog licence has expired, you may bring your dog to one of the Animal Management Centres and apply for a licence renewal instead.
- If the original licence is still valid, you can contact the Animal Management Centre where the original licence was issued to apply for a replacement licence, at a fee of $82. The dog keeper should present his/her ID card for replacement of dog licence.
- In such circumstances, you are strongly advised to bring your dog to one of AFCD’s Animal Management Centres, Dog Inoculation Centres or to a private veterinary clinic for instant licence renewal. A person failing to license his/her dog over 5 months of age may be liable to a fine of $10,000 according to the Rabies Regulation (Cap. 421A).
- If your dog has passed away, you can inform AFCD in writing with your personal information (e.g. Name, HKID no. , Address and Tel no.) and the dog’s details (e.g. AVID microchip no.); with your HKID card copy and mail it back to AFCD. (Our Address: Animal Management (Operations) Division, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 5/F Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon.)
- You can also complete the return slip on the back page of the dog licence renewal reminder issued by AFCD, and then submit the original document to AFCD.
"Electronic Dog Licence" is a supplementary and additional form of dog licence. The AFCD will continue to issue paper-form dog licences, while "Electronic Dog Licence" will be presented via mobile device browsers and with the authentication by “iAM Smart”.
"Electronic Dog Licence" can be accepted in lieu of the paper-form dog licence and records the same information as the existing paper-form dog licence.
Dog keepers can access their "Electronic Dog Licence" through the AFCD Animal Management webpage with identity authentication by the "iAM Smart" application.
Fees For Dog Licences (Effective From 16 Feb 2001)
- Dogs being microchipped, vaccinated and licensed by authorised officers of AFCD: $80
- The charge for dogs being microchipped and vaccinated by private veterinary surgeons will vary according to the clinic and the veterinary services provided. If in doubt, contact the clinic.
Addresses of AMCs and Dog Inoculation Centres
Dog owners can take their dog to the following AMCs for microchipping, vaccination and licensing:

- 9:00 a.m - 12:00 and
- 1:00 p.m - 4:30 p.m;

- 9:00 a.m - 12:00 noon and
- 1:00 p.m -4:30 p.m;

- 9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m and
- 2:00 p.m -4:30 p.m;

- 9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m and
- 2:00 p.m -4:30 p.m;
There are other Government Dog Inoculation centres operated in different places at different times of the week. Please contact the above Hotline for details.
Dog Licence Application Procedure
Versions : Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi , Nepali, Punjabi, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese
Dogs aged over 3 months can be vaccinated against rabies, microchipped and licensed. According to the law, you are required to license your dog once they are over 5 months of age. You can bring your dog to any of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)’s Anti-Rabies Dog Inoculation and Licensing Centres or Animal Management Centres (AMCs) for licensing and rabies vaccination. No advance booking is necessary. The dog licence will be issued to you upon licence fee payment. The application can be submitted online. Please bring your dog to the Animal Management Centre as selected for rabies vaccination and licensing within 14 days after submission, otherwise your application will be cancelled. To facilitate us to process your application, please provide the Application Reference Number to our staff at the Animal Management Centre.
If you are unable to go our Animal Management Centres to apply for or renew the dog licence in person, you may authorize a representative to bring your dog to our Animal Management Centres with documents appended below:
- Copy of your ID card
- Authorization letter signed by you
- Completed Application form signed by you
- Representative's ID card
- Old dog licence (for licence renewal)

You may also take your dog to any authorised private veterinary surgeons or the SPCA centres for rabies vaccination and microchipping. The licence will be forwarded to you through the veterinary clinic in due course. The private veterinary surgeon may impose an additional charge for the service provided to you.
A dog licence is valid for 3 years and the dog has to be revaccinated against rabies to renew the licence within 3 years. If your dog has been implanted with a compatible microchip, there is no need to implant again.
The licence is not transferable. A dog keeper must advise AFCD in writing any change in ownership or address within 5 days.
*Only applicable for dog licence valid for more than 2 months
Electronic Dog Licence
Apart from the paper-form dog licence, AFCD will also issue "Electronic Dog Licence " to the dog keepers. Dog keepers can access their Electronic Dog Licence through the AFCD Animal Management webpage with identity authentication by the "iAM Smart" application.
A microchip is a very tiny computer chip which carries an identification code on it.
- It is the size of a grain of rice.
- It can be easily inserted under the loose skin at the back of the neck and between the shoulders. At the time of injection, it causes only mild discomfort.
- One microchip will last for the life of the dog.


Introducing this system for dogs will provide for better management and control of the animals. If a dog is lost, it will be easier for the owner to identify his dog under this system and be re- united with it.
The system also enables our Department to identify and prosecute irresponsible dog owners.
Identification and information protection

The microchip contains a unique numeric code that can be read by a scanner held close to the skin of the dog. Details of the dog's ownership and vaccination record are stored in a separate government computer database cross referenced to the microchip code.
Other information
The Rabies Regulation (Cap 421A) requires all dogs over the age of 5 months to be vaccinated against rabies, microchipped and licensed.
Dogs over the age of five months without a valid dog licence, or dogs due for their first vaccination against rabies , should be microchipped, vaccinated and licensed without delay. Dogs that have been vaccinated against rabies and covered under a valid dog licence must be re-vaccinated every 3 years to renew its licence.
The procedure of implanting a microchip
Legislation you need to know:
Person not licensing his/her dog over 5 months of age may be liable to a fine of $10,000.
Other services
Inoculation service for dogs in villages
Many villagers in the New Territories West and North keep dogs. In order to help villagers vaccinate their dogs and renew their dogs’ licences, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) will send inoculation teams to villages to vaccinate villagers’ dogs and give advice to villagers on how to control their dogs properly. For enquiry and appointment, please call 1823.
Inoculation Campaign for dogs on board fishing vessels
Inoculation Campaign for dogs on board fishing vessels in port has been carried out by AFCD since 1980. The aim of the campaign is to provide boat-to-boat inoculation service for boat people's dogs. It is held two times a year at Shataukok, Shau Kei Wan, Sam Mun Chai, Cheung Chau, Sai Kung, Castle Peak Bay and Aberdeen. The campaign is usually held in January and July each year. AFCD will release press release in newspapers and radio broadcast to inform boat people about the campaign.
Chatbot - Genie
"Genie" is a chatbot service on the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department-Animal Management website to answer frequently asked questions about Dog licensing services to the public. This service supports the use of English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. The chatbot will try to understand your needs based on the text you enter, search for appropriate answers for you, and provide relevant URL links for applying and learning about related services. You can find the "Genie" icon on the homepage:
To start a chat, just click the "Genie" icon in the lower right corner of your screen, then enter a message or select from a list of more popular queries.

The chatbot operates on natural languages processing and machine learning technologies. Given the great variety of enquiries and limitations of machine learning, the response may not be always perfect. We will strive to improve the accuracy of chatbot by learning the suitable answers to various questions through conversations with users. Besides, the chatbot requires JavaScript to run on. If JavaScript support is turned off in your browser, the chatbot would not function.
The interaction with chatbot
The chatbot supports textual interaction with users. You can use the voice-to-text function of smartphones and tablets to communicate with the chatbot.
Languages supported
The chatbot supports Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English. Users can choose different languages with the language menu at the top right hand corner of the dialogue pane. Traditional Chinese dialogue can also support mixed languages input (Traditional Chinese and English in the same input).
The content covered
The content of the chatbot includes Dog licence application procedures, related fees, Animal Management Centre address and other frequently asked questions. Due to the large amount of content related to Dog licences and the time required for the chatbot to learn and train, the latest published, changed or removed content may not be immediately reflected in the chatbot search results. The relevant content will be reflected in the chatbot as soon as possible.
Personal information
The chatbot will not request users to provide any personal identifiable information. To secure the protection of privacy with respect to personal data, you should not provide any personal identifiable information when using the function.
Provide comments
You can give your comments on the chatbot service through General Enquiry of AFCD Homepage. Your comments are appreciated and we will use them to continue improving the chatbot service.