Exhibition Licence
Exhibition Licence

Any person who exhibits animals or birds in return for a fee paid by the public admitted to enter the venue for the exhibition must apply for an Exhibition Licence / a Temporary Exhibition Permit from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).
For details of the licence / permit, please refer to Exhibition Licence.
How to apply:
- A licence/permit must be obtained before exhibition commences.
- If the exhibition lasts for not more than one month, you shall apply for Temporary Exhibition Permit.
- If the exhibition lasts for more than one month, you should apply for Exhibition Licence.
- To apply for a licence/permit, the application should be made on a prescribed form (Access Licence Application Form) and submitted to AFCD.
- The applicant should provide adequate information of his/her personal particulars, the animals to be exhibited, and the correct address of the place where the exhibition is to be conducted in the application form.
- The applicant should have suitable premises and facilities for the holding of animals.
- An officer of this department will visit the premises and make a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the premises. The applicant will be advised of the requirements for bringing the premises up to the requisite standard (Download Code of Standards) (PDF Format).
- When the requirements are fully met with, and the premises and facilities thereof are considered up to the licensable standard, the applicant will be required to pay the prescribed fee and to subsequently collect the licence/permit.
- In the process of licence/permit application, AFCD and/or the applicant may need to seek the advice/comments from other government departments and related organisations, e.g. Lands Department, Environmental Protection Department and Town Planning Board Secretariat.
- Temporary Exhibition Permit Fee: HK$1,660 per exhibition.
- Exhibition Licence Fee for 20 or fewer than 20 animals or birds: HK$2,410 per year.
- Exhibition Licence Fee for more than 20 animals or birds: HK$8,570 per year.
- Application MUST be submitted at least 10 WORKING DAYS prior to the 1st day of the exhibition. NO late application will be accepted. (Applicable for Temporary Exhibition Permit only)

Ordinance related to Animal Exhibitions
The Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) Regulations, Cap. 139F, regulates all persons who exhibit animals or birds in return for a fee paid by the public admitted to enter the venue for the exhibition.
If you carry on the aforementioned business, you must apply for a Temporary Exhibition Permit / Exhibition Licence issued by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).
You can find the details of the above regulations here.
Contact Us
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Animal Management (Operations) Division